An Overview of Programme
The Bachelor Degree in Botany, affiliated with University of the Punjab, largely deals with the biology of fossil and living plants along with their relationship to the environment. Education in Botany includes many specializations in areas such as the taxonomy, physiology and anatomy of plants and their processes. Botany is a branch of biological science which deals with the study of plants. It focuses on the scientific study of plants, related microbial organisms, and plant habitats and ecosystem relations. It includes instruction in plant anatomy and structure, photochemistry, cytology, plant genetics, plant morphology and physiology, plant ecology, plant taxonomy and systematics, pale botany, and applications of biophysics and molecular biology.
Scientific disciplines such as agricultural sciences and forestry are based on the basic science of botany. Botany studies the structure, growth, reproduction, metabolism, development, diseases and chemical properties and evolutionary relationships between different groups of plants. It encompasses the study of more than three hundred thousand species of plants ranging from ground-hugging mosses to giant redwood trees.
The Programme is solidly grounded in the basic sciences (general biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics) needed to understand the latest research in botany. It also allows a range of choice in upper level courses permitting students to tailor their degrees to their interests within plant biology. Students choose from upper level courses taught by distinguished faculty who are accomplished teachers. This Four Year Degree Programme was launched to equate our degree Programme with most of the countries of the world. In the first four semesters general compulsory courses (English, Islamic and Pakistan Studies, Computer, Mathematics and Bio-stat), subsidiary courses (Chemistry, Zoology) and basic courses of Botany are taught. In the last four semesters advanced courses in Botany are included.
Botany careers largely deal with the biology of fossil and living plants along with their relationship to the environment. Education in botany includes many specializations in areas such as the taxonomy, physiology and anatomy of plants and their processes.
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